Schloss Ahlhausen

Historie & Kulturlandschaft

Tagungen & Veranstaltungen

Gästehaus / Bed & Breakfast / Chambres d’Hôtes

Flora-Fauna-Bibliothek der Landschaft & Solidarische Landwirtschaft

Das Ahlhausener Landschaf & unser Nußlikör der Zisterzienser

Welcome to Ahlhausen Castle


Welcome and a good life we wish all our guests and visitors at Schloss Ahlhausen! Perhaps you are walking or making a pilgrimage through our Märkisches and Bergisches Land with its many woods in the hilly green of the trees and meadows, the rushing water along the river Ennepe or at the many reservoirs around us, perhaps you are attending a conference or event at Schloss Ahlhausen and staying overnight here, whether as a castle lady or as the lord of the castle, for a little time in comfort and quiet in the historical ambience, or perhaps you are using our flora-fauna library with its old works spanning 5 centuries for research reasons or for the pleasure of old book art surrounded by historical paintings, Or maybe you are a sheep farmer looking for someone to talk to, or you are a landscape conservationist or an agriculturist looking for inspiration and stimulation for your ecological life, or you are interested in history, archaeology and architecture embodied in a sensual way - there are many good reasons to visit Schloss Ahlhausen!

Many visitors report back to us that they feel as if they have entered another world here, which may be due to the fact that Ahlhausen Castle dates back to the earliest Middle Ages, before it was first converted into a fortress and later into a small representative country castle in the early Baroque style visible today. Perhaps, however, this is due to the complexity of nature that surrounds us here or simply because you have found a place here within you that allows you to experience peace and tranquillity as you seek it - but one thing is certain: it is always up to you! At the very least, it's because you took the trouble to visit us at Schloss Ahlhausen!

So be welcome and taste our nut liqueur "Frère Paul" from an old Cistercian original recipe - in a land of walnut trees like the ones we have planted here for you!

Aussenansicht Schloss Ahlhausen


Innenansicht Schloss Ahlhausen

Auch das erwartet Sie auf Schloss Ahlhausen

Erholung pur

Traumhafte Landschaften

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Traumhafte Landschaft

Natur geniessen

Die Allee der 100 Walnussbäume

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Allee Wallnuss


Die alten Baumriesen auf versteckten Wegen

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Auf Ahlhausen

Die Gruft im Wald

>> Bildergalerie

Gruft im Wald